Introduction to Git
- Definition and importance of version control
- Overview of Git and its history
- Installing and setting up Git
Basic Git Commands
- Initializing a repository (git init)
- Cloning a repository (git clone)
- Checking the status of a repository (git status)
- Staging changes (git add)
- Committing changes (git commit)
Working with Repositories
- Creating and managing branches (git branch)
- Switching branches (git checkout)
- Merging branches (git merge)
- Resolving merge conflicts
Remote Repositories
- Connecting to remote repositories (git remote)
- Pushing changes to a remote repository (git push)
- Pulling changes from a remote repository (git pull)
- Fetching changes (git fetch)
- Working with multiple remotes
Branching Strategies
- Feature branches
- Release branches
- Hotfix branches
- Gitflow workflow
- Creating tags (git tag)
- Listing and viewing tags
- Annotating tags
- Sharing tags with remotes
- Stashing changes (git stash)
- Applying stashes (git stash apply)
- Managing stashes (list, drop, pop)
Advanced Git Commands
- Rebasing (git rebase)
- Cherry-picking commits (git cherry-pick)
- Interactive rebase
- Rewriting history (git reset, git reflog)
Collaboration and Workflows
- Code review and pull requests
- Continuous integration with Git
- Forking workflows
- Git hooks
Git Tools and Integrations
- Git GUI clients
- Integrating Git with IDEs
- Using Git with GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket
- Git and DevOps
Git Best Practices
- Writing good commit messages
- Maintaining a clean repository
- Effective branching and merging strategies
- Security and backup practices